Rock On
with Dr. Nina Javaher and Dr. Yiheng
The remarkable hands-on event for university and community colleges was a blast! This fantastic opportunity highlights the learning connections between LSC-Online and NASA that feeds into your studies. Our team at the workshop didn't just learn - they built and programmed a Geiger counter, with a heat and pressure detector, their experiment was loaded into a sounding rocket - and launched into space!
Our team is eagerly awaiting to share the results with you from our space experiment, to discover insights into the effects of zero gravity, compared to their Earth-based tests. Stay connected with our LSC-Online social media channels for the latest updates.
One of the amazing benefits of this experience is that Dr. Javaher and Dr. Yiheng have been inspired to bring their NASA learnings and practices to your online engineering and computer science classes.
Get ready to be inspired and reach for the stars!
Our goal and hope is for our students to one day design their own experiments to be tested in-flight via NASA's sounding rocket!